Thursday, October 15, 2009


There are a number of simple things you can begin doing to take the rush, hurry and stress out of your life and restore (regain) a more natural and relaxed rhythm:

1. Press the Pause Button
Plan 3-4 moments in your day in which you rest your body and mind for a couple of minutes. Try repeating a short and gentle affirmation (positive thought) like "I am very peaceful and relaxed".
2. Priorities
Check your to do list every day and make sure there is atleast one activity that is active, creative and you genuinely love doing.
3. Gratitude
Thank at least one person each day. This helps you reverse the habit of always wanting and taking into giving, which is much more relaxing, enjoyable and healthy.
4. Spiritual Knowledge
Read one paragraph of spiritual knowledge every morning. Then reflect on what you have read for one minute..

5. Exercise
Plan atleast one physical exercise or posture everyday.

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